Our parent company, Rhinos Asset Management Co.,Ltd is reputable private asset management company in South Korea which is specialized in investing  in Equity-Linked Bonds (e.g. convertible bonds, exchangeable bond, and etc.)

Rhinos Asset Management Co.,Ltd has successfully executed more than 120 investments in global companies, and has become the leader among Global ELB investors in Korea and is known for reputable ELB investor in global market As the market leading private asset management company in Korea, Rhinos has achieved the below.

  • For the first time in Korea, Rhinos directly manages global Equity-Linked Bonds in US, Europe, Japan and HK (Before Rhinos manages, there were only indirect funds investing in global ELB).
  • For the first time in Korea, Rhinos invested in the Equity-Linked Bonds of the Emerging and Frontier Market
  • For the first time in Korea, cooperated with the Development Bank of Mongolia investing in certificate of deposit